OCS credit

Learn about OCS credit and its dedicated API


The OCS credit is a monetary wallet a subscriber can use to:

  • Pay for connectivity usages (voice, SMS, data)
  • Pay for product subscription (both setup and recurring fees)

The OCS credit has the following properties:

  • amount: the current credit balance amount
  • unit: the unit of the credit balance amount, generally in cents
  • currency: the credit currency, this is defined at you account setup
  • expirationDate: the credit expiration date. This is valid only for markets where a validity period is necessary such as France or Belgium.

Retrieve Credit

Operation used to retrieve the current credit of a given subscriber using their MSISDN.

Update Credit

Operation used to update the credit of a given subscriber using their MSISDN.

The credit balance update supports three possibilities:

  • add which lets you increase by a fixed amount the current credit balance
  • remove which lets you decrease by a fixed amount the current credit balance
  • set which lets you reset the credit balance to a fixed amount

You can also change the credit expiration date, please note that this is only possible if the credit already has an expiration date (i.e on markets where credit can expire).

Please note that if a dormancy mechanism has been configured on your offer, using the add mode will reset the dormancy timer.