Retrieve the RIO of a FR MSISDN
Discover how to provide to your subscriber their RIO
To authorize your subscriber to port their MSISDN to another network operator, you must provide them with their RIO. This RIO will allow the termination of your subscriber without any other action from you.
This guide shows you how to proceed and retrieve your subscriber RIO.
Below are all APIs url that you will need for this guide:
Transatel APIs | URL |
Authentication | |
Connectivity Management | |
All Transatel APIs are available through our unique API gateway
1. API Authentication
First things first, let's get your access token
by following the getting started guide!
2. Retrieve the RIO
Now that we are ready to proceed, let's get the RIO. The subscriber status must be Active
or Suspended
To do so, you must use the Connectivity management subscriber API and provide at least:
: SIM card serial number. It can be found in the delivery file listing all information about SIM cards you have ordered.
The below example shows how to get the RIO:
curl --location --request POST \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJidXNpbmVzc19lbnRpdGllcyI6WyJBbnkiXSwicHJpbmNpcGFsIjoib2NzLXN1YnNjcmlwdGlvbi1vcmRlci1tYW5hZ2VyIiwic2NvcGUiOlsiQ0FUQUxPR19QUk9EVUNUU19SRUFEX1RFQ0hOSUNBTCIsIkNBVEFMT0dfUFJPRFVDVFNfUkVBRCIsIlVTRVJfUkVBRCIsIklOVkVOVE9SWV9TVUJTQ1JJUFRJT05TX1JFQUQiXSwiZXhwIjoxNjE3MjYwNTYxLCJhdXRob3JpdGllcyI6WyJST0xFX0lOVEVSTkFMX1NZU1RFTSJdLCJqdGkiOiJmOTYwNTFmNS05ZmQzLTQxMDEtYjNkZC0xZjY2Y2Q2MWUzZjIiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJvY3Mtc3Vic2NyaXB0aW9uLW9yZGVyLW1hbmFnZXIifQ.KBTlltd459_4kPV0O3OfsBTFGBtoqRxG65o_NohK1U7IuJAvIjAa8Fj4Qon1ptFrrTR5M2o8l0f9Dl0D7r0Us6Ej6OsVlFXfQKUiXwVytNUTP7POB6l56Svc5CaVqkXgFKyt7_8h6Ii6R_RteujtSzJSWX7zeLSeemxsxKNtHLLIS_HLyNdQyIsVCZWRfFhdPJVQId_p6B08_A54sAwhrT7qssSbtpG1nGzdqsHdFfaqJt9ABhPedatHNlwcWtCnFthrOrD2rv0Yf8OnRLnt-ZWtypr0cqm6U-brtZeBMhcxgzF4afKlJbKN3K3drPJRrRPjL8L9bf2YvzsDWxY5lA' \ ''
Above are highlighted the main information to provide to the API:
header: This is where you provide the previously retrievedaccess_token
If successful, the response returned will be as follows:
HTTP/1.1 200 OKX-TSL-Request-Id: aa2b4629-489f-43b6-9905-7587e15c7be6Content-Type: application/json{ "rio": "80EM0017H+DE", "msisdn": "33612345678", "simSerial": "8988247076000000319", "subscriberNumber": "12345678.00000001"}
A successful response returns a HTTP/1.1 200 OK
, meaning that a RIO has been retrieved successfully.
The response will contain the following main information:
: RIO associated to the MSISDN of your subscriber. At this step, your subscriber is able to provide the RIO to their recipient operator to initiate a portability request.
3. Portability related events
In order to be notified when the port out of your subscriber has been validated or completed, you may create a webhook and subscribe to dedicated events.
Please check the connectivity management events page, to discover those events.
What to do next?
Learn more about our Connectivity management API by checking the overview documentation and API reference